Actually it is not scooby-dog story. It's..hmmm..I don't know. Seem it's hard to make life easier.
I am not a good person to you remember. Just delete me in your memory.
No one perfect dude.
For those who are stalking in on this blog, hate me, dislike me, or something maroon that you all do.
I create this blog is not for being HOT or story my personal to everyone. I just want to share the rest of my life after move in this M country. errrrrrr~ It is WRONG ??!!!
If you don't care about, just leave it.
Stay away from me and my life.
You want to judge me? huh ! come on judge lahh. DO I CARE??
at least aku sedar siapa aku . . tak payah lah nak sibuksibuk.
OK, let's see . . did I do something to all of you? Am I disturb your life? I made something wrong? I said something annoyed to you or I am annoy? Did I or what . . .?
Enough all of this. Sampai bila nak berdendam? Sampai bila nak luahkan katakata propa? Sampai bila nak buat publisiti murahan? nak HOT sangat, hameekk. . . Sampai bila salingmemfitnah? Sampai bila saling menyakiti hati?
Sampai bila, sampai bila, sampai bilaa !!
Get up guys ! sedar lahh . . Dunia ni da tak lama dah. Sendiri fikirlah.
Do not leave any comment. Just let it be.
Ya Allah, Engkau sedarlah semua hamba-hamba-Mu yang Engkau ciptakan sebaik-baik manusia ini. Janganlah Engkau membiarkan mereka hanyut menzalimi diri sendiri ke jalan neraka jahanam. Sesungguhnya mereka dianugerahkan akal, Engkau ilhamkanlah hamba-hamba-Mu ini berfikir dengan waras dan sucikanlah hati mereka, Ya Allah.
Actually it is not scooby-dog story. It's..hmmm..I don't know. Seem it's hard to make life easier.
I am not a good person to you remember. Just delete me in your memory.
No one perfect dude.
For those who are stalking in on this blog, hate me, dislike me, or something maroon that you all do.
I create this blog is not for being HOT or story my personal to everyone. I just want to share the rest of my life after move in this M country. errrrrrr~ It is WRONG ??!!!
If you don't care about, just leave it.
Stay away from me and my life.
You want to judge me? huh ! come on judge lahh. DO I CARE??
at least aku sedar siapa aku . . tak payah lah nak sibuksibuk.
OK, let's see . . did I do something to all of you? Am I disturb your life? I made something wrong? I said something annoyed to you or I am annoy? Did I or what . . .?
Enough all of this. Sampai bila nak berdendam? Sampai bila nak luahkan katakata propa? Sampai bila nak buat publisiti murahan? nak HOT sangat, hameekk. . . Sampai bila salingmemfitnah? Sampai bila saling menyakiti hati?
Sampai bila, sampai bila, sampai bilaa !!
Get up guys ! sedar lahh . . Dunia ni da tak lama dah. Sendiri fikirlah.
From the bottom of my heart, I am sorry for what I do to all of you. I didnt remember what I do actually. I am sure it is not a BIG DEAL. To many apologise that I say from my mouth, in this blog, and my FB.If it is not enough and my apology is not accepted, just go on! I don't care about it.
Do not leave any comment. Just let it be.
Ya Allah, Engkau sedarlah semua hamba-hamba-Mu yang Engkau ciptakan sebaik-baik manusia ini. Janganlah Engkau membiarkan mereka hanyut menzalimi diri sendiri ke jalan neraka jahanam. Sesungguhnya mereka dianugerahkan akal, Engkau ilhamkanlah hamba-hamba-Mu ini berfikir dengan waras dan sucikanlah hati mereka, Ya Allah.
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